Themes ====== |Haver| adds two new themes to the standard themes. A dark theme called `HaverDarkTheme`: .. figure:: HaverDarkTheme.jpeg :alt: Image of Haver's dark theme. |Havers| dark theme. and another theme called `HaverDarkPhisherBryceTheme`.The later adds distinctive colors for the shout syntax highlighting and is the default theme [#]_: .. figure:: HaverDarkPhisherBryceTheme.jpeg :alt: Image of Haver's dark theme with distinctive syntax highlighting colors. |Havers| dark theme with distinctive syntax highlighting colors. Themes can be selected with the :guilabel:`Preferences` menu -- select :menuselection:`World → Preferences → Extension Themes ...`..[#]: .. figure:: Preferences.jpeg |Havers| preferences menu. .. figure:: ExtensionThemes.jpeg |Havers| extension themes menu. .. [#] I am aware that some people will accuse me of endangering them with eye cancer, but the colors help me to overcome the disadvantages of my diminishing eyesight. .. [#] Currently the preferences menu is much too large. This will be fixed in the next release.